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You Cannot Be Everything At Once
Remember when you would play with your calculator and multiply the numbers over and over until the screen couldn’t hold the numbers anymore. You started to get letters and shapes and it got too complex to understand. Well that is what happens in life too.

A Letter To Myself on The Night My Mother Died
I’m not here to tell you to buck up, or calm down, or keep a stiff upper lip. I’m here to tell you to cry. Cry. A. Lot. This won’t be hard advice to follow. See? You’re already doing it! Bravo! Let your emotions flow and be messy and unpredictable. It’s okay. Really. You’re going to be riding the waves of grief for years to come, so just get used to it.

Blood Is Not Thicker Than Water
After years of painful failed infertility treatments in your early thirties, this woman will choose you and your husband to parent her unborn son and without her you would not be a mother.

5 Brutally Honest Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Had Kids
Once your baby is earth-side, communicate with your support network and ask for help. Sometimes asking for help before you need it will enable you to avoid a meltdown.

What If Someone Said
Who the fuck cares what Erica thinks about your braids? She‘a looking at an STD by senior year

You Were One
You will crawl out of your warm bed, sneak quietly away from the love of your life, while he snores the evening away, and write this letter, at the urging of a dear friend who doesn’t mind reading what you write. You will tiptoe past your youngest’s room so as not to wake the light sleeper of the house, and sneak into your elder daughters room and steal away her laptop to write this to yourself.

A Letter to That Girl
Always carry a blanket in the trunk of your car. There will impromptu picnics and downpours. There will be splendor. Let me repeat. Always carry a blanket in the trunk of your car.

The Club
You’re going to look back at things you said to parents before you were one and you’re going to feel like a real asshole

Pilot Pete is Still Alive
As your son grows up he will learn a word for each word dad forgets.

The Things That Didn't Happen
And I know— it’s hard for me to type all this out now— anxiety and superstition and fear grip me and you from even writing the scariest words. So you’re not cured, for what it’s worth.

Congratulations! You Made It to Your 40s
Scrunchies are apparently back. Adam Sandler is a dramatic actor now. It’s... a lot.

You're Still a Human, With a Human Body, and a Human Mind, and a Human Heart
It might not feel worth it right away. That doesn't make you a bad mom. It makes you a human mom. And that's exactly who your human baby needs.

stop looking at breastfeeding hashtags on Instagram.

Trust Your Instincts & Find Your Own Way
There will come a day, when your baby isn't a baby. When suddenly they become a wild fox climbing on the refrigerator. When they tell YOU stories. When they tell YOU jokes!! OMG. Toddler poop jokes are so good. Funny at all ages.

“You are a good lady, mama. I love you so much right now.”
You won’t stop beneath a bougainvillea bloom because you don’t know what else to do, or how to move forward from that moment. You’ll stop because your kid wants to chat about the colors and the texture.

The Only Way Out is Through
Yes, you! That’s right: you made it. This is future you — alive and well. I wanted to check in with you because you're probably sitting in the same crappy black shroud in the middle of the night watching "Parenthood" and could use a friend.

You Haven’t Failed Him
He isn’t screaming at you. I know, I know, technically he is screaming in your face but it isn’t AT you. It has nothing to do with you. You haven’t failed him. His wails aren’t his way of pleading for a different mother, for a different life. He is finding his way.

Chocolate Croissants + Iced Coffee
You may not be able to articulate why you feel the way that you do, but you don't have to! Don't try to define it and DON'T GOOGLE IT.

You Don’t Hate Your Life
This feels like a lot right now. It is a lot.

Sincerity Is Your Kryptonite
Your wedding day was great but the only reason you cried was because you were so hungry. Your husband once joked “Sincerity is your kryptonite.” But it was like, not a joke?
After years of painful failed infertility treatments in your early thirties, this woman will choose you and your husband to parent her unborn son and without her you would not be a mother.