There Will Be A Day


Young one,

Not everyday will feel like the day that it happened. Not every day will you see his face in the faces of strangers or hear his voice in the voice of your loved ones. Not every day will you think of what happened as some sort of punishment to how you lived your life. Not every day will you wonder what you could’ve done or said or worn differently. Not every day will you sit at the edge of your bed praying that someone will learn how to travel back in time so you could fix how you were wronged. Not every day will you suffer in silence, not telling a soul about why you are no longer the same. 

There will be a day that it all changes.

There will be a day where the thoughts of him won’t consume you. There will be a day where you will walk down the street without fear in your bones and resentment in your heart. There will be a day where you learn to trust and love again. There will be a day that you will be able to be present and there will be a day that you will be grateful. Not for the experience, but for the person you become.

Young one, do not give up, for there will be a day that you can say, “I survived“.


Rise Up Goddess Warrior


You Will Find Your Way Back